The Support Designer is a member of the LISEGA INC Engineering Department, Hanger Design Unit (HDU). The LISEGA INC HDU generates detailed design and engineering piping and component supports and restraints (i.e., hangers) drawings for standard component supports, restraints, and hanger products. Utilizing proven.

Application migration steps for free. Tagged / / /In this blog post, I want to show you how to convert an on-premises web application (with SQL backend connection) to run in a VM in Azure.


Piping Support Design Guide


And download the Anvil-Grinnell Pipe Support design Manual and study it. Look for a copy of the textbook titled 'Piping and Pipe Support Systems by Tom Van Laan and Paul Smith. Go Here: htt p://catalo /books/Pri ntBook/Pro cessPipin gComplete Guide.cfm and buy the book by Dr. Charles Becht IV. This will give you a good start. LICAD ® is the worldwide leading software for support design. With LICAD ® the user can generate support drawings, bill of materials and 3D models in different CAD programs. Experience has shown that with LICAD ® up to 50% of the support design costs can be saved. The time between design and delivery is also greatly reduced. The relevant data for designing supports is entered. Provided in the following installation manuals: Manual No. F6000 Pipe Installation Handbook for Tapered Bell & Spigot Joints Manual No. F6080 Pipe Installation Handbook for Straight Socket Joints and Butt & Wrap Joints Manual No. Windows xp embedded install. F6300 Pipe Installation Handbook for Marine-Offshore Piping General Policy Statement SaFety. Document design calculations for pipe support referenced in calculations title. OR1ONiAL This calculation verifies pipe support. The structural adequacy of the subject. Pipe Support Load Capacity Data Sheets Manual Revision 2. B26 '89 1228 103) / 8. TVA Civil Design Standard DS-C1.7.1, Rev. 4, 'General Anchorage to Concrete'.

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Pipe Support Design Manual Pdf

  • Hello everyone, I would like to welcome you to our Webinar on Engineering & Design. The Webinar today is hosted by Piping Technology & Products. I am Jerry Godina and I will be your presenter. If you would like to join in on the audio portion of the presentation, please make sure you select speakers/headphones in the audio choice box and double check that your volume is turned up. You can also listen to us by telephone, 9:00 am for the United States, just dial: (1) 516-453-0014, for countries other than the US, please refer to the list of numbers in your confirmation e-mail. The access code for this presentation is 489-001-753 2:00 pm for the United States, just dial: (1) 323-417-4600, for countries other than the US, please refer to the list of numbers in your confirmation e-mail. The access code for this presentation is 254-294-474 Also, if you have a question during the presentation, please feel free to type a question into the text box you see to the right of the presentation, or if you prefer, you can ask questions after the presentation during our “Questions and Answers Session.”
  • For those of you who are unfamiliar with PT&P, I want to quickly go over some background information. If you would like to know more, please visit our “About Us” section at Our parent company, Piping Technology & Products, Inc., also known as PT&P, is a member of MSS, SPED, and APFA In business since 1975, Piping Technology & Products, Inc. and its wholly owned subsidiaries (US Bellows, Sweco Fab, Pipe Shields, and Anchor Darling) offer a wide range of engineered products and services for various industries and applications. Our product line is extensive… From engineered pipe supports, expansion joints, pre-insulated pipe supports, and miscellaneous fabrication to various engineering and technical services, PT&P has decades of experience providing products and services for all your engineering and construction needs. We have achieved various certifications in the past 30 years: PT&P is a member of MSS, SPED, and APFA. We are also a Minority Business Enterprise, as well as, a member of the Houston Minority Business Council. Our U.S. Bellows division is a member of the Expansion Joint Manufacturers’ Association We have the ASME U-Stamp, R-Stamp and N-Stamp for our Sweco Fab division Pipe Shields is ISO 9001-2000 certified for the manufacture of hot and cold supports And we are ASME Nuclear Qualified in our Fronek Anchor Darling division
  • Our engineering and design department is involved in the following processes: -Piping, Pipe Support and Structural Design -3D Modeling Technology -Pipe Stress Analysis, in which we use Caesar II -For Structural Analysis, we use STAAD II -Our engineering and design department uses Finite Element Analysis for many projects: -FEA is used for Special Stress and/or Thermal Problems -It is used in 3D Part Design -They use ANSYS for Mesh Generation and Analysis and Results Analysis -Our Engineering and Design department is also involved in Field Testing. PT&P also executes PDS Collaboration to minimize risks by making responsibilities clear.
  • Overall work process flow model for engineering and manufacturing After a quote is received, it is dispersed to the proper divisions of engineering which we will go into more detail on the next slide. After engineering, the project is sent to manufacturing Detailing Planning Cut Shop Fabrication Painting & Galvanizing Assembly Layout & Final Assembly Pack & Ship
  • This is the Engineering Work Process of a Pipe Support. Each division under PT&P has an engineering and design department that is involved in all projects even if the engineering is not done with us. They interpret the Isometric Drawings, Empirical Calculations and STAAD Analysis. 3D Models are created to check space available. If movement is present, review of the load and displacement tables is necessary. If it is a non-standard pipe clamp, the Clamp Calculator is utilized, which is an in-house developed software. Design development sketches of the support configuration are created. The preliminary 3D support model is refined and placed in the main 3D model and visual interference checks are made. Detailed AutoCAD drawings are prepared and Material take-off is made. Our Engineering and Design Departments handle all Finite Element Analysis and the information inputted into our EDI system which helps control accuracy and improves the processing time.
  • Need labels and description **** I don’t know the background on this one Original slide said: Case: Switched from bottom supports to hanging supports. Avoidance of welded attachments. Solution: Enhanced design for clamp-on shoes.
  • Support Component Production Example of In-House Software Development We developed a software called clamp calculator to streamline repetitive calculations. This helps us to speed up the work process, as well as, eliminate any miscues. - Operating conditions require use of clamp with load carrying capability greater than largest standard assembly. - Empirical calculations method developed to correctly size custom clamp including: stock size, bolt size and plate length - Use of clamp calculation sheets could be standardized with curve-fitting algorithms to process data quickly Continued on Next Page
  • - Development of “Clamp Calculator” required minimum data entry: Pipe Size, Operating Load and Operating Temperature - Renders clamp design with drawing/B.O.M. - Output utilized by various factors of production staff (linked to all aspects of manufacturing: Procurement, Cut Shop, Machine Shop, Hardware and Inspection/Q.C.) - Helps to eliminate data entry/transaction errors associated with manual calculation methodology.
  • Case: A standard variable spring using a single coil could not be used due to height restrictions. Solution: Use a multiple spring coil arrangement with smaller, shorter coils used in parallel. “ mini” big ton where loads/movement matched standard spring, but overall height was restricted Standard variable spring could not fit; solution was to use combination of smaller (shorter) coils which matched load carrying capability; short overall height could be maintained. - Operating Loads: ____________________________ - Standard variable spring height exceeded: ________________________ - Because site conditions allowed, non-standard multi-coil arrangement could be developed - Standard components could be utilized in combination with custom pieces to produce overall custom assembly (Once developed for variable spring, natural progression to use in constant spring assembly)
  • Case: A customer needed a support for a vessel, but had very limited space available for the support. We custom designed four Big Ton D Upthrust Constants shown in the first picture and two pairs of Big Ton T Upthrust Constants shown in the second picture. Due to space limitation, the Big Ton D Constants were designed with a total travel of 4 " and the Big Ton T Constants with 5 " in total travel. The Big Ton D constants were designed with a 50 thousand pound load capacity and the Big Ton T constants were designed with 75 and 67 thousand pound load capacity.
  • Our Engineering and Design department uses Structural Analysis and Design Software which encompasses concrete and steel design. Shown here is the Structural Analysis output for a detailed design of a complex hot support. Simple hot supports are mostly done using empirical methods and/or hand calculations.
  • Where complicated design configurations exist… Piping Technology & Products, Inc. has extensive in-house finite element analysis capabilities using ProEngineer, ANSYS, and a variety of other software packages. FEA software is used to simulate the loads and resulting stresses which a particular design might experience in the field. These time and money-saving computer simulations are used to select designs for prototypes. We later use these prototypes to test products with actual loads to confirm our design loads and safety features. FEA provides very realistic and accurate analysis of mechanical parts that undergo specified thermal and mechanical loads. Performing and FEA is time-effective and a cost-effective complement to physical testing -- following a preliminary finite analysis with a physical load test significantly reduces the design cycle time. Interpreting and understanding FEA's proves useful to explaining stress and strain conditions to customers in a highly visual manner. The use of FEA significantly improves PT&P's engineering, research, and design capabilities. - Conceptual design developed - FEA performed to 1.) confirm design capabilities and 2.) Optimize overall design regarding Materials/Fab. Processes
  • Example of SWECO Fab Division design capabilities 27'x16'x21' Structural Frame for an Offshore Site in West Africa This structural frame was designed to be placed on the sea-bed for an offshore rig and will be used as an undersea cable support frame. It is constructed of 8” tube-steel, a 10” channel, and a steel plate. It is capable of withstanding a load of 600 Kilonewtons (68,000 lb. for each pad). The frame will remain stationary on the sea-bed and is designed to endure heavy wave action when lowered to or raised from the sea-bed. Finite element analysis of the lifting lug on the structure was performed to verify load conditions. A trial fit-up of bolted sections was also conducted to ensure the structural frame will assemble easily before being placed in position. - Review of the static loading conducted, also… - Review of the dynamic loading which would be seen as the structure is raised and lowered - Of particular interest where the lifting lug elements – as these would be taking the brunt of the load during assembly and installation - FEA performed to verify lug capability
  • Sweco Fab Example This transition piece uses a standard flange at the top, but has been modified to include the extra length of pipe and to eliminate two flanges. The rectangular flange is fabricated of 1.25 x 5 inch. stock and is made of A36 steel. The whole transition and pipe are fabricated of 3/8 " thick A516 Grade 70 steel. The model has a temperature condition of 105° C/221° F. - Transition piece of ductwork - Developed to transfer from round flange attachment to rectangular lower attachment - Of particular questioning was the necessity to incorporate stiffeners into the overall design - If stiffeners were required, what size? Location? - Because the overall shape is complicated, FEA was utilized to stimulate the operating conditions Continued on Next Slide 
  • Two cases were modeled in which all references to pressure, PSI, refers to PISIG (PSI gage). The first was at operating condition when the transition piece experiences 18.7 PSI internal pressure. The second was at full vacuum when the transition piece experiences 15 PSI external pressure. The first figure shown here is an illustration of the pressures and displacements. Figures 2 & 3 show the stresses and Figure 4 shows the displacement at every point. The color coding system represents the inches of displacement.
  • Figure 5 is an illustration of the pressures and displacements with an external pressure of 15 PSI Figure 6 and 7 models have an external pressure of 15 PSI on every external surface and show the stresses at every point. Figure 8 shows the displacement at every point in the model. Solution: FEA analysis determined stiffeners unnecessary and yielded a saving of $30 thousand dollars
  • 3D models can be designed and generated for electronic interference check This helps check that the pipe support is clear of interferences of piping, other pipe supports and structural steel. This check is only visual due to limited access to the master model. The first 3D model on the left shows two variable springs. Next you see Pipe Clamp Guides and the last image is a 3D model of a more complex support arrangement with a constant spring support. Maybe say which 3D Modeling programs we use here at PT&P: ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________ ________________________________
  • 2 nd Example of Field Test Stimulation… Case: To determine the amount of ice formation on an un-insulated pipe operating at cryogenic temperatures employing a small scale model. Test Facility: A perspective view of the facility is shown here. The test facility consists of a 36 " long stainless steel pipe with a 4 ½ " outside diameter and 4 " inside diameter. The pipe ends are closed by ¾ " x 5 ½ " x 21 " plates. The pipe is suspended from top using two pipe clamps. To simulate cryogenic condition for an extended period of time, liquid nitrogen from a tank is supplied through a control valve into the pipe at one end and the nitrogen vapor is allowed to escape through a 1/2’’ tube from the other end. The test facility is set in our workshop area where large size doors allow cross ventilation maintaining atmospheric conditions. A type “K” thermocouple is set between the pipe and the clamp near the liquid nitrogen inlet to measure the pipe’s outer surface temperature history. Simultaneously, the ambient room temperature, relative humidity, and dew points were measured. Continued on next slide
  • Test procedure: Liquid nitrogen was allowed to fill completely the stainless steel pipe first, followed by a steady flow of liquid Nitrogen. By adjusting the control valve to a point when the liquid Nitrogen ceases to exit through the vertical outlet tube, the pipe remained completely full of liquid Nitrogen throughout the test. This flow process caused a small fraction of the flowing liquid nitrogen in the pipe to change phase to vapor by gaining latent heat of evaporation from the ambient air and exited through the outlet tube. This maintained almost a constant pipe surface temperature over an extended period of time. Metering scales were fixed radically outward at three locations (near the two ends and at the middle) along the pipe to measure the ice deposition depth as a function of time. After filling up the pipe with liquid Nitrogen, the pipe’s surface temperature started falling exponentially with time and it took almost 20 hours to reach an almost steady state with small variations following a trend similar to that of the ambient temperature variations during day and night. Conclusion: Ice build-up reached a cap at -295 ° F.
  • Field Testing Example of Insulated Supports A customer was experiencing melting of the caulking compound selected for an application. We set up a test facility with the original caulking compound which was 5800 and the suggested compound which is 5800C. Over a period of time, we determined the temperature at which each compound began to melt. Taking into consideration the high temperatures of this application, we determined that 5800C will be sufficient enough. Need to find Sergio’s report for the exact temp. of application.
  • Shown here is the design deliverable for the support from the last slides’ STAAD Analysis. 2D detailed drawings are checked for compliance with locational data supplied by the engineer, load and displacement tables, specifications and isometric drawings. PT&P’s detailed drawings are completed with bill of material, locational data, load and temperature calculations, and welding information. The pipe support detail contains sufficient data for both fabrication and installation. Drawing used ofr all facets of production including: 1.) Procurement of Materials 2.) Fabrication Details 3.) Erection Plan/Location Details 4.) Installed/Operating Loads and Movement
  • Insulated Supports Case… Case: Over 116 hot shoes for various sizes of large bore high energy steam lines failed. This caused the Energy Center to completely shut down due to safety concerns and the potential for pipe and/or equipment failure. The original vendor replaced the supports with the same type of supports, and they failed once again. PT&P was called in to survey the site and found that the type of pipe support used was not suited for the service conditions. W:digital_cameraDigital AlbumimagesProduct PhotosCompetitor Products (field service survey and suggested replacement)
  • Because the elevations of all the piping were fixed, PT&P had to develop a pipe support design that would dissipate heat, in order to protect the PTFE, 25% glass filled slide plates from thermal damage. Natural Draft Air Cooling has several advantages over previous designs: 1. Since the insulation does not carry any mechanical load, it can be chosen solely on the basis of its thermal properties. In particular, cyclic loading, which has caused insulation failure, is not a problem. 2. The support provides effective restraint for all six possible components of loads, X, Y, Z-Rotational and Translational. In particular, axial and Torsional loads are readily accommodated. These represent difficulties for supports which rely on the insulation. 3. It is easily installed in the field and is attached to the pipe with a standard bolted pipe clamp. Thus, there is no field welding. The line temperatures ranged from 650°F to 1100°F. PT&P performed full EPC services and manufactured all of the supports for this project. Finite Element Analysis was also performed.
  • The top two pictures show the restoration of insulation after installation of new shoes The bottom two pictures show the steam lines after installation PT&P designed the solution needed for this dilemma and acquired a new patent for a pipe support with two clamps that are similar to the Figure 50 light two bolt pipe clamp. Each shoe is attached to a steel plate which is designed to carry the design load, and is shape optimized to minimize heat flow from the pipe.
  • PT&P offers on-site installation guidance, inspection and/or maintenance of pipe supports and snubber inspection. We carry a system of stock standard items and have an “on-call” engineering team available 24x7.
  • Since we don’t have much time this evening, you may want to check out our website; there you will find a plethora of technical information, including different Tests we carry out, FEA Analysis, and much more.
  • We also have a newsletter sent out weekly by email. Our Enews features a special product for the week along with details on our upcoming Webinars. The newsletter is also a beneficial link source to our Online Quote System, Emergency Service, Online Catalogs and Downloadable Software.
  • In conclusion, our Engineering and Design Departments have improved tremendously over the last 30 years. With new designs and new technologies, we continue to grow and expand with new challenges. Thank You for Joining Our Webinar on Engineering & Design… We are open to take your questions; however, if you have any additional questions or inquiries after that, you can send us an email at Thank you again, this is Jerry Godina on behalf of everyone here at PT&P, I bid you a good day.