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A developer's guide to tools and resources for WebSphere migration

The IBM® WebSphere® Application Server Migration Toolkit is a suite of tools and knowledge collections. It enables your organization to quickly and cost-effectively migrate to the latest releases of traditional WebSphere Application Server and Liberty. You can migrate from a previous version of WebSphere Application Server or from competitive application servers, such as Apache Tomcat Server, JBoss Application Server, Oracle® Application Server, and Oracle WebLogic Server.

Whether you are moving your workloads to a later release on-premises or exploring cloud platforms, tools are available to help. Learn more about these tools and find additional resources in the Migration article in the WASdev Developer Center.

  1. Migration Testing is a verification process of migration of the legacy system to the new system with minimal disruption/downtime, with data integrity and no loss of data, while ensuring that all the specified functional and non-functional aspects of the application are met post-migration.
  2. How to migrate on premise server to aws? Migrating your existing applications to the aws cloud involves 3 steps- Before Migration, During Migration, and After Migration.
  3. The 7-step process. Depending upon where you stand on the cloud adoption cycle, you may be looking to recalibrate or embark or optimize. In any case, it’s a good idea to be deliberate. Data center modernization is a complicated and extensive process. Here’s what you should do at each stage of a migration: 1. Assess infrastructure.

New and noteworthy

The WebSphere Application Server Migration Toolkit is updated quarterly and supports migrations to WebSphere Application Server V8.5.5 and V9. For information about the most recent enhancements to the tools, see the Migration page and the What is the Migration Toolkit for Application Binaries? article in the WASdev Developer Center. Also in this developer center, you can find the latest versions of the migration tools on the migration toolkit downloads page.

Establish the migration-architect role. Choose your level of cloud integration. Choose a single cloud or go multi-cloud. Establish cloud KPIs. Establish performance baselines. Prioritize migration components. Perform any necessary refactoring. Create a data-migration plan. One legacy migration approach is to repurpose old applications into resource-efficient and optimal applications in-house or for the cloud. If a legacy application has been successfully modernized in-house, it doesn't mean it can also be used as a Software as a Service, or SaaS, application.

Migration tools and resources

Yet migration to the cloud doesn’t have to be difficult, if planning is executed properly. The right platform choices can also increase speed and reduce risk. Below are three basic steps every enterprise should be taking in advance of migrations. Step one: carefully assess your application inventory.

The migration toolkit includes tools and resources for planning, development, and administration.

  • Planning
    • WebSphere Migration Knowledge Collection: Planning and resources
      Use the publications on this site to plan your migration from previous versions of WebSphere Application Server to WebSphere Application Server V8.5.5 or V9.
    • Migration toolkit for Application Binaries
      Evaluate applications quickly with this command-line tool using application archive files. You can evaluate the right-fit platform or perform detailed migration analysis for moving to Liberty and between traditional WebSphere releases either on-premises or in the cloud.
    • WebSphere Migration Discovery Tool
      Thinking about migrating to the IBM WebSphere platform? You can use this web-based tool at no charge to help gain insight into the size and scope of your migration project. This tool works for migrations to WebSphere Application Server, WebSphere Application Server Liberty, and WebSphere Application Server Liberty on IBM Bluemix®. Learn more about the tool in this IBM Advantage Blog post.
    • WebSphere Application Server V8.5 Migration Guide
      Use this IBM Redbooks publication to plan your migration from competitive application servers to WebSphere Application Server V8.5.
  • Development
    • WebSphere Application Migration Toolkit
      This Eclipse-based tool helps you migrate application source code from WebSphere Application Server V5.1 through V9 to Liberty or traditional WebSphere Application Server V8.5.5 through V9. It also helps to migrate applications from Apache Tomcat Server, JBoss Application Server, Oracle Application Server, and Oracle WebLogic Server to WebSphere Application Server V8.5.5 through V9 or Liberty. And, it helps to migrate an Apache Tomcat Server configuration to Liberty.
    • Migration Toolkit for Application Binaries
      If you do not use Eclipse for development, this command-line tool provides the same detail for traditional WebSphere version-to-version migrations and traditional WebSphere version migrations to Liberty.
  • Administration
    • Traditional WebSphere Application Server configuration migration
      Migrate configuration information from previous versions of WebSphere Application Server to WebSphere Application Server V8.5.5 or V9.
    • WebSphere Configuration Migration Tool
      This Eclipse plug-in helps migrate configuration from WebLogic or JBoss to traditional WebSphere Application Server or Liberty, or from traditional WebSphere V7 and later versions to Liberty.
    • Migration Toolkit for Application Binaries
      This command-line tool can generate a Liberty server configuration file that contains the application required features by scanning your application binary.

Competitive migration

When you perform migrations from third-party application servers, use the following tools and resources to provide the help and insights you need to make the move:

  • Migration Toolkit for Application Binaries (command-line tool for the evaluation report)
    Detailed analysis is not provided for third-party application servers.
  • WebSphere Application Server Migration Toolkit (source scanner)

Application migration tools

The WebSphere Migration Toolkit includes the following tools to speed the migration of applications from competitive application servers to WebSphere Application Server V8.5.5 through V9:

  • Apache Tomcat to WebSphere Application Migration Tool
  • JBoss to WebSphere Application Migration Tool
  • Oracle to WebSphere Application Migration Tool
  • WebLogic to WebSphere Application Migration Tool

The application migration tools use static analysis to locate application elements that should be updated to ensure optimal compatibility and performance with traditional WebSphere Application Server and Liberty. These tools also include unique editing features so that you can review and appropriately change the code. The Application Migration Tools are packaged as features that you can install in an Eclipse or IBM Rational Application Developer for WebSphere Software IDE. The tools are also compatible with the IBM WebSphere Application Server Developer Tools for Eclipse. The following figure shows a view of the application migration tools.

The competitive application migration tools focus on the following migration issues when you move applications from third-party application servers to Liberty or traditional WebSphere Application Server:

  • Differences in Java SE versions and in Oracle versus IBM Java
  • Proprietary deployment descriptor configuration in Java EE extension files
  • Proprietary Java API package references
  • Proprietary Java annotations
  • Proprietary server startup and shutdown interfaces
  • Non-portable JNDI lookup strings and Initial Context configuration
  • Thread creation within containers
  • Proprietary server-specific MBeans JAX-RPC web services migration for JBoss, WebLogic, and Oracle
  • WebLogic-specific Java EE 5 issues that are related to JPA, JDBC, XML, and JTA
  • Non-standard JSP file usage and constructs
  • Proprietary JSP file tag libraries
  • Taglib prefix redefinition
  • Java keyword use within JSP expression language elements
  • Class path setup that does not comply with Java EE specifications
  • Best practices for using Spring within WebSphere
  • Detection of Spring, Hibernate, SEAM, and Quartz scheduler third-party software.

Configuration migration tools

Apache Tomcat configuration migration to Liberty is included with the Eclipse-based application migration tool. For a step-by-step example, see Migrating from Apache Tomcat to the WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile. The tool enables:

  • Migrating from Apache Tomcat 6, 7, or 8
  • Migrating to Liberty
  • Migrating Apache Tomcat context, server, and web XML information in the server
  • Migrating Apache Tomcat context and web XML information in the application

WebLogic and JBoss configuration migration is included in the Eclipse-based WebSphere Configuration Migration Tool.

WebSphere migration

When you perform WebSphere upgrades or consider the move to cloud platforms, use the following tools and resources for the help and insights you need to make the move:

  • Migration Toolkit for Application Binaries (command-line tool)
  • WebSphere Application Server Migration Toolkit (source scanner)
  • WebSphere Configuration Migration Tool Eclipse plug-in (traditional WebSphere to Liberty)

Application migration tools

With the WebSphere Application Server Migration Toolkit and Migration Toolkit for Application Binaries, organizations that are deploying to Liberty or the latest release of traditional WebSphere Application Server can more easily migrate applications from WebSphere Application Server V5.1 through V9.0. Upgrading to a more recent version of WebSphere Application Server is less time-consuming than migrating from another application server. The reason is that IBM has made significant investments in upward compatibility, configuration, and management process upgrades, in addition to API preservation and consistency between versions. However, in some cases, applications must be changed in order to support or exploit new levels of industry standard specifications that are delivered with new versions of WebSphere Application Server.

The version-to-version application migration tools focus on the following migration issues when upgrading applications to Liberty or the latest traditional WebSphere Application Server:

  • Java SE version differences between Java SE 6, 7, and 8
  • Java EE behavior differences when moving up Java EE levels or specification clarifications
  • WebSphere deprecations
  • WebSphere removals
  • API differences between traditional WebSphere and Liberty

Configuration migration tools

Traditional WebSphere version-to-version configuration migration support is included within the WebSphere Application Server product. The associated tools are provided on all operating systems that are supported by WebSphere Application Server, including distributed, z/OS®, and IBM i™ platforms.

For information about the following new migration features, see What is new for migration in V9:

  • Clone migration
  • Migration options properties files
  • Improved port assignment
  • Integrated Compute Grid migration
  • Integrated WebSphere Virtual Enterprise migration
  • WASMigrationAppInstaller application installation tool

The configuration migration tools do not alter the configuration of your existing WebSphere Application Server installation. The tools provide a two-phased approach to migration as illustrated in the following figure:

  1. The configuration from your existing WebSphere Application Server is copied into a backup directory.
  2. The content of the configuration backup directory is merged into a new profile that is in your new WebSphere Application Server installation. By default, all of the configuration objects, including servers, resources, and virtual hosts, are merged into the new profile. Also, all applications are deployed to your new WebSphere Application Server environment.

An intuitive migration wizard is provided that guides you through the local migration process. A remote migration process is also supported for distributed systems using the command-line tools. For more information, see Migrating, coexisting, and interoperating in the IBM Knowledge Center.

The WebSphere Configuration Migration Tool supports:

  • Migrating traditional WebSphere configuration to Liberty by using a properties-based configuration file
  • Creating traditional WebSphere scripts by using a properties-based configuration file

Help and feedback

If your organization has a support agreement in place for WebSphere Application Server V7 or later, as part of that agreement, IBM will provide support for the application migration tools and the included migration rules. Assistance with application coding or design issues requires a Services engagement.

To ask questions, search for solutions, and provide feedback to the development team, you can use the Migration Toolkit Forum. Support for the WebSphere Configuration Migration Tool is available in the WCMT forum.


Downloadable resources

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Today’s opportunities to move from on-premises to the Cloud is greater than ever. In the past you had to thinking about hardware, think about location, think about disaster recovery. In today’s world all you have to do is migrate to the cloud and leave the hardware and capital expenditures to Microsoft. I have been having a lot of discussions about CAPEX (capital expenditures like physical hardware) and OPEX (operational expenditures such as power bills for air conditioning, leases, and pay-as-you-go “Software as a Service” like Office 365, more importantly, Exchange online. Back in the day, it took my company a large amount of capital expenditures to guide the discussions around migration/upgrade or rip and replace. Companies I talk to lately are looking at moving and migrating their Exchange servers online and out of their physical datacenters to reduce hardware costs, and invest in other parts of their business such as services.

This article covers migrating two servers –

  • Microsoft Exchange Server 2003
  • Microsoft SQL Server – All Versions Article by Dan Stolts

Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 Migration

First, one of things to consider is moving your Exchange 2003 Servers to Exchange Online within Office 365.

I’ll explain how to use the Exchange Admin Center in Office 365to migrate your data from existing Microsoft Exchange Servers like 2003. I’ll also mention Application Servers later in the article.

Listed below is what's covered as far as Exchange Servers. the migration features that are available in the Exchange Admin Center in Microsoft Office 365. It also discusses migration scenarios in which the Exchange Admin Center is used to migrate data from the following existing environments:

  • Microsoft Exchange Server 2003
  • Microsoft Exchange Server 2007
  • Microsoft Exchange Server 2010
  • Microsoft Exchange Server 2013
  • Internet Message Access Protocol (IMAP)

Note - As of April 8th, 2014, Microsoft no longer provides security updates, offers free or paid support options, or update online content such as KB articles for Exchange Server 2003. Online content may remain available as long as Exchange 2003 remains in the Self-Help Online support phase. Companies running Exchange 2003 after April 8th, 2013 will be responsible for their own support.

Given that, the Exchange Admin Center in Office 365 is used to migrate data from a hosted and on-premises Exchange environment or an IMAP environment through the creation and management of migration batches. Migration batches are specific requests to migrate all mailboxes or a subset of mailboxes from a remote mailbox source.

In Exchange Online, IT admins have several options to migrate mailbox data from their existing on-premises or hosted environment. These options vary based on the source environment and the result that the customer wants to achieve. As with any deployment of Exchange Online in Office 365, customers can review the Microsoft Exchange Server Deployment Assistant The Microsoft Exchange Server Deployment Assistant is a web-based tool that asks you a few questions about your current environment and then generates a custom step-by-step checklist that will help you deploy different versions of Exchange Server for different types of Scenarios.

The Exchange Server Deployment Assistant gives IT Pro’s a way to conduct “On-Premises”, “Hybrid” and “Cloud Only” deployment scenarios.

I suggest taking a look at the “Cloud Only” scenario for migrating your Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 environment.

This is the beginning of the wizard, select the scenario you wish to perform.

Neither of these choices involving On-Premises are fit for Microsoft Exchange Server 2003 as they require in place upgrades, in this case Exchange 2003, 2007 then to 2010. You’re still not to 2013.

Hybrid still requires you to “leap frog” upgrade to Microsoft Exchange 2013.

Here you would select the Exchange 2013 based Hybrid, but still not ideal.

Here you would select Exchange Server 2003

Since you select Exchange Server 2003, then wizard then takes you to a message, or WARNING, if you like leap frog upgrades. Because you have an Exchange 2003 on-premises organization and want to configure a new hybrid deployment with office 365, you must add one or more servers running Exchange 2010 with Server Service Pack 3, not Exchange 2013 servers to your on-premises organization. Well that still doesn’t get us to Exchange Server 2013. So, Cloud only looks like the best option for a couple of reasons –mainly cost, ease of migration without the hardware.

When you click on Exchange Server 2003 it also mentions that after April 8th, 2014, Microsoft no longer provide security updates, offer free or paid support options, or update online content such as KB articles for Exchange Server 2003. Online content may remain available as long as Exchange 2003 remains in the Self-Help Online support phase. Companies running Exchange 2003 after April 8th, 2013 will be responsible for their own support. So this is big. Time to move to “Cloud Only” and get this done.

Licensing questions do come up indirectly, however you can easily get the licensing via your current licensing program.

Does your Exchange Server have LESS than 2,000 mailboxes then you’ll do a Cutover migration

Cutover migration

The cutover migration option is for customers who want to migrate their whole environment at one time. This migration is limited to less than 2,000 mailboxes and is targeted at small to medium-sized business customers who are running Exchange 2003 or a later version in their environment. Specifically, this migration supports users who are using the Microsoft Exchange Auto-discover service against Exchange 2007 (or later-version) environments to determine the mailboxes that are available for migration. However, if you're running Exchange 2003 in your on-premises environment, you can manually enter the remote procedure call (RPC) proxy addresses to access the Exchange mailboxes for migration. This option is available to Office 365 Enterprise customers and Office 365 Small Business customers.

Here are the steps for the Cutover Migration -

Do you have MORE than 2,000 mailboxes – then you are looking at a Staged migration.

Staged migration

Staged migration enables migration from an on-premises Exchange 2003 or Exchange 2007 deployment. The main difference in this kind of migration is that the migration is targeted at customers who want to establish a permanent mail coexistence with Exchange Online and their on-premises environments. This requires that customers deploy directory synchronization when they deploy Exchange Online. This option is available for customers who have Enterprise Exchange licenses only. IT admins must provide a list of users to migrate in each batch by using a comma-separated values (CSV) file.

Application Migration Steps To Cloud

Use the Migration page (also called the migration dashboard) in the Exchange Administration Center (EAC) or use the Exchange Management Shell (Shell) to migrate all the mailboxes and corresponding mailbox data from your on-premises Exchange organization to Exchange Online in a single migration batch over the course of a few days. This type of migration is called a cutover Exchange migration because all on-premises mailboxes are migrated in preparation for moving your entire organization to Microsoft Office 365 and Exchange Online. After mailboxes are migrated to Exchange Online, the corresponding user accounts are managed in Office 365.

Remote move

Remote move enables migration from a deployment of Exchange 2010 or later versions. It uses the Microsoft Exchange Mailbox Replication Service (MRS) Proxy service. For more information about remote moves, go to the following Microsoft TechNet website:

IMAP migration

Sharepoint Migration Steps

IMAP migration is targeted at customers who may be using non-Exchange-based mail systems in their current hosted environment or have access to the data only by using the IMAP 4 protocol. The Office 365 migration engine uses the information that's provided by IT admins in the EAC to connect to IMAP mailboxes and download mailbox data. IT admins must provide a list of users to migrate in each batch by using a CSV file.

SQL Server Migration

My colleague and friend Dan Stolts took the SQL migration article for me as he has a lot of experience with SQL and migration techniques.

How To Move or Migrate SQL Server Workload to Azure Cloud Services – All version of SQL Server – Step-By-Step - See more at:

Blain Barton
Senior IT Pro Evangelist – Tampa, Florida - US DPE

Application Migration Plan

Raised in Spokane Washington, Blain Barton has been with Microsoft for 21+ years and has held many diverse positions. His career started in 1988 as Team Leader in Manufacturing and Distribution, progressing to PSS Team Manager for Visual Basic Product Support 1990, Product Development Consultant for Microsoft Word Division in 1993 then left Microsoft for 5 years working for a Certified Training Education Center as a Microsoft Certified Training for NT 4.0. Blain then resumed his service with Microsoft in 1999 within the OEM Systems Engineering Division and currently serving as a Senior Technical Evangelist. Blain has organized and delivered a wide array of technical events and has presented over 1000 live events and has received six “top-presenter” speaking awards. He has traveled around the world delivering OEM training sessions on pre-installing Microsoft Windows on new PC’s. He attended Washington State University graduating with a Bachelor’s Degree in English/Business and Minor in Computer Science. After college, Blain taught snow skiing on a professional level in the Cascade Mountains before starting his career with Microsoft. As a hobby, Blain runs a 10-acre farm consisting of 800 Sylvestris Silver Date palm trees within his nursery operation in Homosassa Florida. Blain currently resides in Tampa Florida.