Shantae needs some love, and I'd give her all of mine and then some.

This standard gives very good information how to design and what needs to be done for the anchor and guides.There are two available source to do manual calculation, WRC107 and BS5500. Utility pipe support design manual. Both have limitation on the attachment dimensions.

9 Sonic Heroes. The story is one of the best in the series, juggling all these different playable characters (Shadow, Espio, Cream, among others) and having Metal Sonic be the epic final confrontation. The music is usually great in Sonic games, and Heroes might have the best soundtrack of them all. However for me, the Sonic game with the best soundtrack has either to be Sonic Adventure, Sonic Adventure 2, Sonic CD or Sonic Generations. There are so many good soundtracks in this franchise and there were not many soundtracks that I feel are like the worst than any other gaming soundtracks out there today. Even so, Sonic CD is the best Sonic game ever made. It has all the charm and personality players expect from a Sonic game (that intro animation!), changes the formula in an effective way, and creates a tangible sense of danger that permeates throughout.

I love Pirate's Curse, which is the only one I've played all the way through. I also own Ricky's Revenge and the original on virtual console but haven't got around to doing them yet. I'd like to try Half Genie Hero. Which is your favourite one and why?


Half-Genie Hero is the only one I've played a lot of, and it is fantastic. It has only a few stages and a lot of back-tracking as you unlock new abilities but the music, animation, writing, and gameplay are all fantastic. The only thing I don't love about that game is the 'Friends till the End' DLC which has you play as Bolo, Rotty, and Sky and they all are quite poo and there are a few sections that are just plain dickish. The worst part is where you have to climb up a tower while running from giant worm who acts as a kill-plane. It was at that spot in the FttE DLC that I quit the game. It was annoying with Shantae, annoying when playing as Risky, but utterly obnoxious with the trio. There are a few sections that are annoying, but most of the game is great.

Did I mention the fantastic music?:

Best 3d Sonic Game For Browser

I genuinely can't pick a favorite. It is as hard as picking a favorite from the Sonic series (though the Hard Boiled Heavies theme from Sonic Mania probably takes that trophy), they are all fantastic.