1. New Jersey Driving License Check
  2. New Jersey Driver's License Number Lookup
  3. New Jersey Drivers License Status
January 07, 2019
  • Home Driver Services DMV Office Locations New Jersey Middlesex County Edison MVC Agency/Driver Testing. Share This Page. MVC Locations near MVC Agency/Driver Testing. 5.7 miles MVC Agency; 9.9 miles MVC Agency. Drivers License & ID - REAL ID - Registration & Title. Featured Articles.
  • New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission P.O. Box 140 Trenton, NJ. If missing the bottom portion of the suspension notice, send a check or money order payable to the NJMVC at the following address: New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission P.O. Trenton, NJ Please include your driver license number on all payments.

First, you must find out why your driver’s license has been suspended. The easiest way to do this is to call the Motor Vehicle Commission (MVC) at (609) 292-6500 or toll-free at 1-888-486-3339. An MVC staff person will review your driver history abstract.

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Everything from a DUI to failing to pay court fines can get your driving privileges revoked in the Garden State, but the question is how to find out if that crucial license is suspended in NJ. Not only will the MVC notify you, but you can call it to get a copy of your driver history abstract.

January 07, 2019

Here's what the New Jersey lawyers at the firm of Fontanella, Benevento, Galluccio and Smith have to say about driving with a suspended license: 'Don't drive under a license suspension. Ever. Under any circumstances.' There's plenty of truth behind their typically Jersey-style frankness, as driving with a suspended license in the Garden State can net you a first-time fine of $500 and a suspension extension of six months. To make sure you aren't taking any chances, you've got plenty of ways to check up on your NJ license status.

Revocation and Notice

A number of strikes can get your license suspended in the state of New Jersey, including:

  • Racking up 12 or more points on your driving record
  • Failing to appear in court or failing to pay court fines
  • Failing to pay traffic tickets or fines
  • Driving without insurance
  • Driving recklessly or under the influence
  • Abandoning your vehicle
  • Being found at fault in a fatal accident

Before you license is suspended, you will receive a written notice from the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission by way of snail mail. If this very important piece of mail somehow slips by you – maybe the MVC has an old address on file – there are a few other ways to check on your status.

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Checking Your NJ License Status

Without a letter in hand, you may still wonder, 'is my license suspended in NJ?' If so, pick up the phone for the most immediate answer.

Give the New Jersey Motor Vehicle Commission a call at 609-292-6500 or 1-888-486-3339. Once you get someone on the line, ask for your driver history abstract. This record contains all of the information the MVC has compiled pertaining to your driver's license, including whether it's suspended and reasons for any possible suspension. The MVC staff person can also tell you how long the suspension will be in effect, the amount of any surcharges owed to the MVC, if you need to complete any MVC driver's ed programs, which courts to contact to pay outstanding fines and even if you owe child support (another possible reason for license suspension in NJ).

Alternatively, you can hit up the MVC in Eatontown, Trenton, Wayne or West Deptford to request your abstract in person, or purchase a copy online the MVC's official Driver History Abstract site. You can also send a copy of an Abstract Request Form, Form DO-21, by mail. No matter what route you take to get there, a copy of the abstract will cost you $15.

Lifting the Suspension

In some cases, restoring your license may be as easy as paying the $100 restoration fee to the MVC. In others, you'll have to take the case to court.

If you're ready to get that NJ license suspension lifted, retaining a lawyer is not a bad idea. Your representation will send a certified letter to the Motor Vehicle Commission stating that the proposed suspension is not accepted and requesting a hearing. Typically, this will stay the suspension, allowing you to drive until the hearing occurs. At the hearing, your attorney will attempt to reduce the suspension, or you can elevate the case to a hearing with an administrative law judge.

In addition to getting paid up on MVC surcharges, traffic fines, child support or outstanding court fines, the MVC may require you to take a Defensive Driving Course or to complete an Intoxicated Driving Resource Center program before removing the suspension. When your license is active once again, you'll receive a notice of restoration in the mail – won't it feel good to come full circle?

Background verification in New Jersey is conducted by government agencies, business and regular citizens, often to check an individual’s criminal or financial history. Since NJ background reports are highly restricted, an individual cannot request a background search on another subject, unless there is an approved reason to do so.

Applicants can review their own background report in NJ, however, typically for immigration, expungement or adoption purposes. Note that, any dissemination of criminal and consumer reports must stay in compliance with state laws.

How To Get a New Jersey Background Check

Primarily, a New Jersey background investigation can be done via live scan fingerprinting at an NJ approved site. In order to conduct a background screening, requestors have the option to first schedule an appointment for the completion of the procedure.

You will also need to present an appropriate Universal Form and a proof of identification (a valid U.S. passport, current NJ driver’s license or other document outlined on the form). Note that, different forms exist for this purpose, depending on who is making the request.

Individuals may also run a name-based background check in New Jersey. To do this, you may be required to personally present or mail an SBI 212B Form, including several details about the subject in question, such as a first and last name, a date of birth, a Social Security Number, among other information.

Ordering a New Jersey Background Check Online

Online background checks in New Jersey may be an available option through third parties. Requestors may be able to order a background report online by entering specific personal details about the subject of search. In this case, you may need to provide the following information:

  • The individual’s first and last name.
  • The individual’s date of birth.
  • The individual’s Social Security Number.

Note: Requestors may need to arrange payment for a set fee to finish the online procedure.

Who needs a New Jersey Background Check?

Individuals and agencies can perform NJ background screening for a variety of different reasons. Most commonly, background investigation is done for employment purposes by both authorized employers and government requestors.

Additionally, a background verification in NJ may be conducted when renting a property or during a licensing or adoption screening process. Note that New Jersey is a closed records state, so for a background report to be released, there must be an approved purpose.

New Jersey Driving License Check


Property owners may need to request a background screening during the rental agreement process.

A complete renter background check in New Jersey will include any potential criminal or financial offenses of the applicant. It is of great importance for an individual to know that future tenants will fulfill their duties on time, specifically when it comes to paying the rent.

Getting an NJ renter background report may be the best way for the landlord to ensure that he or she is choosing the right candidate.


New Jersey background checks are often required when hiring a person within a company or a government entity. When ordering an employee full background check in NJ, recruiters may be able to make a more accurate decision, based on the subject’s criminal and professional history.

Prior to purchasing the employer background report, requestors must be sure to obtain the candidate’s authorization for the process. Individuals can elect to conduct background checks for employment in New Jersey based on fingerprint comparison or name check. A more convenient option is to perform an online criminal record search.

EMS/First Responders

EMS background verification in NJ is crucial before employing a person in a hospital or other medical institution. Individuals who apply for such a responsible job position are expected to show impeccable criminal history. Thus, a clean medical background report would highly contribute during the selection process.

If you want to check the accuracy of the details included, you may order a copy of your own record prior to submitting the job application.

Care Givers

The results from a New Jersey complete background check may be a major contributor when deciding whether to hire an individual to look after your child or another member of the family.

Caregivers are expected to show responsibility, so any past criminal misdemeanors in their record will certainly exclude them from the process. A clean NJ background verification, on the other hand, would show that the future employee will complete his duties in a safe manner.


Pre-employment background investigation is typical in New Jersey, specifically if a company is looking for a new manager. An NJ employee background search may be conducted prior to the interview, to help select the best candidate.

Employment history checks in NJ may include not only previous criminal actions, but consumer reports as well. A full background screening may be necessary for employers to make sure that they are entrusting the leadership position to a reliable and trustworthy individual.

When You Will Need a Background Check

Subjects may be asked to undergo a background investigation in New Jersey in many different situations. The Division of State Police allows individuals to run their own background check for the following purposes:

  • Immigration/Visa.
  • International adoption.
  • Foreign business.
  • Naturalization.
  • Expungement.
  • Good conduct.

New Jersey background screening requests can also come from other individuals and organizations, only if authorized to do so. The following are the most common reasons for ordering a background search:

  • When hiring a person for a job or volunteer position.
  • When completing a licensing procedure.
  • When buying a firearm from a licensed dealer.

New Jersey Driver's License Number Lookup

The Difference Between Standard and Criminal Background Checks

When conducting a criminal background check in NJ, requestors will receive information about any existing of the individual’s past criminality. An NJ criminal record search includes convictions, pending arrests and charges, with the exception of expunged records.

New Jersey Drivers License Status

Standard background verification may be necessary as part of the employment process, as those records show the applicant’s credit or financial history. Note that, New Jersey has specific laws regarding the use of criminal checks, consumer reports, even driver’s record information.

Last updated on Tuesday, March 12 2019.