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I-Theses bvba Ideas Engineered © i-Theses bvba. Moortelstraat 27 9160 Lokeren Belgium +32 (0)9/33 88 252; Sejak dipegang oleh SAP, terjadi perubahan besar pada Crystal Reports, secara otomatis Crystal Reports dapat diintegrasikan dengan Business Objects SAP. Mengingat sebagian besar unsur penting dari SAP berupa laporan, tentunya kehadiran Crystal Reports sangat memberikan pengaruh besar bagi penggunanya.

From SAP:
Trusted name in reporting - report authors and developers have been using SAP Crystal Reports software for almost two decades to create powerful, user-friendly, and dynamic reports from virtually any data source. You can transform overwhelming amounts of transactional and relational data into richly formatted reports and deliver actionable information inside and external to your organization. Flexible, customizable report design - Create highly formatted, pixel-perfect reports quickly with SAP Crystal Reports' intuitive design interface and efficient workflows. Dashboards and visualizations - Generate interactive dashboards and report visualizations without the need for any coding. Broad data connectivity - Connect to information sources spread across the organization directly. Data sources include: Native, ODBC, OLE DB, and JDBC connectivity to relational, OLAP, Web services, XML, enterprise data sources, and Powerful report delivery options - Deliver personalized reports to your business users' preferred destination in their preferred language and format. Expanded support for Excel - XLSX export takes full advantage of the new Excel file format by allowing more data to be exported to a single worksheet, without spanning multiple worksheets. Read-only report viewing - The new RPTR format provides a read-only RPT export option, giving you the confidence that users won't be able to modify reports. SAP Crystal Dashboard Design software, Adobe Flex, and Adobe Flash integration - Enable SAP Crystal Reports developers to produce powerful 'mash-ups' pulling data from various sources.

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From SAP:
Trusted name in reporting - report authors and developers have been using SAP Crystal Reports software for almost two decades to create powerful, user-friendly, and dynamic reports from virtually any data source. You can transform overwhelming amounts of transactional and relational data into richly formatted reports and deliver actionable information inside and external to your organization. Flexible, customizable report design - Create highly formatted, pixel-perfect reports quickly with SAP Crystal Reports' intuitive design interface and efficient workflows. Dashboards and visualizations - Generate interactive dashboards and report visualizations without the need for any coding. Broad data connectivity - Connect to information sources spread across the organization directly. Data sources include: Native, ODBC, OLE DB, and JDBC connectivity to relational, OLAP, Web services, XML, enterprise data sources, and Powerful report delivery options - Deliver personalized reports to your business users' preferred destination in their preferred language and format. Expanded support for Excel - XLSX export takes full advantage of the new Excel file format by allowing more data to be exported to a single worksheet, without spanning multiple worksheets. Read-only report viewing - The new RPTR format provides a read-only RPT export option, giving you the confidence that users won't be able to modify reports. SAP Crystal Dashboard Design software, Adobe Flex, and Adobe Flash integration - Enable SAP Crystal Reports developers to produce powerful 'mash-ups' pulling data from various sources.
Active1 year, 11 months ago

I need a runtime for SAP Crystal Reports for .Net 4.0 (64-bit). I have been searching from the web but not getting any success. Can I get the URL from where can i download this

Tausif KhanTausif Khan
1,1087 gold badges32 silver badges49 bronze badges

closed as too localized by KevMar 6 '13 at 11:24

This question is unlikely to help any future visitors; it is only relevant to a small geographic area, a specific moment in time, or an extraordinarily narrow situation that is not generally applicable to the worldwide audience of the internet. En iso standards. For help making this question more broadly applicable, visit the help center. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

2 Answers

Crystal Reports Download Windows 10

SAP is notoriously bad at making these downloads available.. or in an easily accessible location so hopefully this link still works by the time you read this answer.

Sap Crystal Reports 2016

< original link no longer active > Sasural simar ka episode 1. Link 2/6/13: - 'Updated 10/31/2017' - 'Updated 10/31/2017'

9,3392 gold badges38 silver badges56 bronze badges

Download Crystal Reports 2013

I have found a variety of runtimes including Visual Studio(VS) versions are available at

Download Crystal Reports Runtime


Download Crystal Reports 2019

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