1. C# Serialize A List
  2. C# Xml Serialize List String
  3. Serialize Xml File
  4. C# Serialize To Xml
  • OK perhaps, but this still doesn't do what I want - serialize a list of objects, possibly of different types. I want to be able to add a bunch of objects I want to save to a list, then serialize the entire list in one go (and to one file). – Simon D Jul 31 '09 at 14:20.
  • Re: Create a XML Serialization and Deserialization for generic list in C# windows form applicatio. Jul 24, 2013 04:40 AM amulsva LINK. Ya check it but not get what i need. Deserialization is not getting result. And in serialization it replacing the existing data while entering the new data in xml file.
  • Jul 11, 2017  This step-by-step article describes how to serialize an object to XML by using Visual C#. This method is useful for persisting the state of an object. This method is also useful for cloning an object by de-serializing the XML back to a new object. XML Serialization. Serialization is the process of taking the state of an object.

C serialize an object list to XML with for loop. Ask Question. Viewed 468 times 0. I have an object list and wanna serialize it to xml. My object is.

Active4 years, 3 months ago
Cyril Gandon
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closed as not a real question by dandan78, nvoigt, Wesley Wiser, Mooseman, OrangepillJun 11 '13 at 16:09

It's difficult to tell what is being asked here. This question is ambiguous, vague, incomplete, overly broad, or rhetorical and cannot be reasonably answered in its current form. For help clarifying this question so that it can be reopened, visit the help center. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

2 Answers

You can try this using LINQ:


Forgot to mention: you need to include using System.Xml.Linq; namespace.


XElement xmlElements = new XElement('Branches', Branches.Select(i => new XElement('branch', new XAttribute('id', i))));

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C# Serialize A List

You can use Linq-to-XML

Or create the appropriate class structure and use XML Serialization.

Dustin KingenDustin Kingen
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Not the answer you're looking for? Browse other questions tagged c#.netxml or ask your own question.

Active1 year, 3 months ago

I have Class A. Class B and Class C are part of Class A.

C# Xml Serialize List String

I want to Serialize Class A and want to produce XML with it; I also want to serialize list1 and list2 and also the Enum..

Serialize Xml File

What is a good approach to Serialize this XML because I need the functionality of converting an Object into XML and XML into an Object ..

What are some good options to do this?Thanks

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7 Answers

You could use the XMLSerializer:

For this to work properly you will also want xml annotations on your types to make sure it is serialized with the right naming, i.e.:


Enum properties are serialized by default with the name of the property as containing XML element and its enum value as XML value, i.e. if the property NotSystem in your example has the value C it would be serialized as

Of course you can always change the way the property is serialized by doing a proper annotation, i.e using [XmlAttribute] so it's serialized as an attribute, or [XmlElement('Foobar')] so it's serialized using Foobar as element name. More extensive documentation is available on MSDN, check the link above.

BrokenGlassBrokenGlassC# serialize xml to object
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Easy way to do binary serialization of any object with IO error catching.

Serializer class:

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Amir TwitoAmir Twito
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Do you need to use XML as the representation? You may want to consider binary representations as well, which are usually faster and more compact. You have the BinaryFormatter that comes built in, or even better you can use protocol buffers that is blazing fast and super compact.If you need XML you may want to think whether you want to support some kind of interoperability with other languages and technologies or even platforms. If it is only C# to c# both the XmlSerializer for Xml or the BinaryFormatter are fine. If you are going to interact with Javascript you may consider using JSON (You can try JSON.NET.Also, if you want to support Windows Phone or other more constrained devices you, it may just be easier to use the XmlSerializer that works anywhere.

Finally, you may prefer to just have a common infrastructure and support many serialization mechanisms and transports. Microsoft offers a wonderful (albeit a bit slow) solution in WCF. Perhaps if you say more about your system's requirements, it will be easier to suggest an implementation. The good thing is that you have plenty of options.

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As cloudraven suggested, you could use binary representations. While looking for solutions I came upon this link. Basically, you mark your A class as [Serializable], and the same goes for your B and C classes. Then you might use functions such as these ones to Serialize and Deserialize

Ricardo AppletonRicardo Appleton

JAXB is the best I ever used.

From XML:

C# Serialize To Xml


George MavchunGeorge Mavchun

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