Applied River Morphology is not the only river morphology book you will need, but it is the only one you will refer to again and again, on every project. This book is even enjoyable to read through and look at the photos and sketches during non-work time.

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Applied River Morphology is not the only river morphology book you will need, but it is the only one you will refer to again and again, on every project. This book is even enjoyable to read through and look at the photos and sketches during non-work time. 3 people found this helpful. You are invited to attend the short course Applied River Morphology sponsored by Brightwater, Inc. On November 6 - 9, 2017 at the Chesapeake Bay Foundation headquarters. Course Description.

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Published December 2nd 2003 by Wildland Hydrology (first published October 1st 1996)
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Applied River Morphology Download


The terms river morphology and its synonym stream morphology are used to describe the shapes of riverchannels and how they change in shape and direction over time. The morphology of a river channel is a function of a number of processes and environmental conditions, including the composition and erodibility of the bed and banks (e.g., sand, clay, bedrock); erosion comes from the power and consistency of the current, and can effect the formation of the river's path. Also, vegetation and the rate of plant growth; the availability of sediment; the size and composition of the sediment moving through the channel; the rate of sediment transport through the channel and the rate of deposition on the floodplain, banks, bars, and bed; and regional aggradation or degradation due to subsidence or uplift. River morphology can also be effected by human interaction, which is a way the river responds to a new factor in how the river can change its course. An example of human induced change in river morphology is dam construction, which alters the ebb flow of fluvial water and sediment, therefore creating or shrinking estuarine channels.[1] A river regime is a dynamic equilibrium system, which is a way of classifying rivers into different categories. The four categories of river regimes are Sinuous canali- form rivers, Sinuous point bar rivers, Sinuous braided rivers, and Non-sinuous braided rivers.

The study of river morphology is accomplished in the field of fluvialgeomorphology, the scientific term.

See also[edit]

  • Bedload, Suspended load
  • Sediment, sedimentation, erosion
  • River, Stream, Canal
  • Water, Water resource


Applied River Morphology Pdf Free

  1. ^Bo-yuan Zhu,Yi-tian Li,Yao Yue,Yun-ping Yang. Aggravation of north channels' shrinkage and south channels' development in the Yangtze Estuary under dam-induced runoff discharge flattening. Journal Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science. 5 March 2017
  • Rosgen, Dave (1996). Applied River Morphology. 2nd ed. (Fort Collins, CO: Wildland Hydrology, publ.) ISBN978-0-9653289-0-6.
  • Brice J C. Planform properties of meandering rivers [C].River Meandering, Proceedings of the October 24–26, 1983 Rivers '83 Conference, ASCE. New Orleans, Louisi- ana, 1983. 1-15.

External links[edit]

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